Stud Record

165 (18)
Ulahop Boy
Male, born in 2008
by Lamm de Fetan out of Pampa du Plessix
ISO 158 (21)
Byron du Telman
Male, born in 2011
by Lamm de Fetan out of Rohanne du Telman
by Dollar du Murier
158 (21)
Baccara de l'Aubépine
Female, born in 2011
by Lamm de Fetan out of Quobee du Thin
by Quatar de Plape
157 (20)
Uruguay Courcelle
Male, born in 2008
by Lamm de Fetan out of Fidji de la Lande II
by Qredo de Paulstra
155 (18)
Arco de Paban
Male, born in 2010
by Lamm de Fetan out of Huckleberry
by Quatar de Plape
Vilkano de Fetan
Male, born in 2009
by Lamm de Fetan out of Juanita de Villiers
by Val de Villier
ISO 152 (21)
Baschung Courcelle
Male, born in 2011
by Lamm de Fetan out of Pulpe Courcelle
by Jazz Band Courcelle
151 (17)
Tactic de Lalou
Selle Français A, Male, born in 2009
by Lamm de Fetan out of Elle de Sivola
by Gaverdi
151 (21)
Slamm de la Sélune
Selle Français A, Stallion, born in 2006
by Lamm de Fetan out of Gazele du Guinchet
by In Chala A
148 (19)
Beguin de B'Neville
Male, born in 2011
by Lamm de Fetan out of Misstar de B'Neville
by Quick Star
145 (14)
Rumba de la Cavée
Selle Français A, Female, born in 2005
by Lamm de Fetan out of Umara de la Grange
by Emir de la Flot
Adagio de Talma
Selle Français, Stallion, born in 2010
by Lamm de Fetan out of Pepite de Talma
by Contender
Champion 4 ans
Esi Star Struck
Stallion, born in 2011
by Lamm de Fetan out of Halona de la Vie
by Tampa
Synfony des Loges
Selle Français A, Female, born in 2006
by Lamm de Fetan out of Mouche Morinvil
by Starsky de Brix
Selle Français B, Male, born in 2008
by Lamm de Fetan out of L Texas
by Tin Rocco
ISO 141 (21)
Male, born in 2008
by Lamm de Fetan out of Banda
by Argentinus
ISO 141 (19)
Female, born in 2008
by Lamm de Fetan out of Qonfidence
by Calvaro
140 (18)
Version de Laume
Male, born in 2009
by Lamm de Fetan out of Lys de Laume
by Cacao Courcelle
143 (16)
Anisette de Cordelle
Female, born in 2010
by Lamm de Fetan out of Inouite d'Airain
by Count Ivor
ISO 139 (21)
Male, born in 2010
by Lamm de Fetan out of Electre d'Or II
by Lou Piguet
143 (16)
Arsouil de la Chapel
Female, born in 2010
by Lamm de Fetan out of Palisandra
by Pakt
141 (21)
S&L Rocky, alias Arthus Andalou
Selle Français, Stallion, born in 2010
by Lamm de Fetan out of Salsa Andalouse
by Ephebe For Ever
142 (20)
Be One Cak
Male, born in 2011
by Lamm de Fetan out of Nicely de Riverland
by Shogoun II
ISO 142 (19)
Belamm des Valdiers
Male, born in 2011
by Lamm de Fetan out of Justine d'Aursaye
by Rosire
ISO 142 (21)
Bise des Bardellieres
Female, born in 2011
by Lamm de Fetan out of Inouitcha
by Persan II
ICC 141 (21)
Brando de Cherel
Male, born in 2011
by Lamm de Fetan out of Queensland de Malabry
by Lawrence
ISO 142 (19)
Bugatti d'Hammer
Stallion, born in 2011
by Lamm de Fetan out of Eden du Rozel
by Papillon Rouge
ISO135 (19)
Beetle Juice
Male, born in 2011
by Lamm de Fetan out of Jujube du Midi
by Kayack
ISO 124 (21)
Girl of Suzie
Female, born in 2016
by Lamm de Fetan out of Suzie Quattro
by Ciel d'Espoir
ICC 129 (21)
Glamm de Bienvenu
Male, born in 2016
by Lamm de Fetan out of Utes de Bienvenu
by Mylord Carthago